
Endb allows introspection of its information schema. The Endb information schema does not describe the structure of each table. Because Endb is a document database, each document (row) is responsible for its own schema. The information schema is used by Endb to describe database objects at a high level and is used for schemaless queries, such as SELECT *.

Note that all information schema tables are hard-coded to lower-case names and must be queried as such.


-> SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;
[{'table_catalog': None,
  'table_name': 'stores',
  'table_schema': 'main',
  'table_type': 'BASE TABLE'},
  'table_name': 'products',
  ... },
  'table_name': 'sales',
  ... }]


-> SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns;
[{'column_name': 'addresses',
  'ordinal_position': 0,
  'table_catalog': None,
  'table_name': 'stores',
  'table_schema': 'main'},
 {'column_name': 'brand',
  ... },
 {'column_name': 'price',
  ... },
 ... ]


-> SELECT * FROM information_schema.views;
[{'table_catalog': None,
  'table_name': 'sold_products',
  'table_schema': 'main',
  'view_definition': 'SELECT * FROM products p JOIN sales s ON = s.p_id'}]

Check Constraints

The check_constraints table in Endb is used to store assertions.

-> SELECT * FROM information_schema.check_constraints;
[{'check_clause': "(NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE TYPEOF(email) != 'text'))",
  'constraint_catalog': None,
  'constraint_name': 'string_email',
  'constraint_schema': 'main'}]