
The JavaScript and TypeScript client library is used to communicate with an Endb instance from a JavaScript or TypeScript application. Type declarations are provided in the package for TypeScript.

NPM Package: @endatabas/endb

Table of Contents


npm install @endatabas/endb
npm install ws

Usage Examples


import { Endb, EndbWebSocket } from '@endatabas/endb';


Use the Endb class to communicate with Endb over HTTP. It accepts an optional url parameter. Options can be supplied for accept, username, and password. Accept headers default to LD-JSON and can be set to any valid content type listed in the HTTP API. If you choose application/vnd.apache.arrow.file or application/, the raw response body will be be returned from sql().

var e = new Endb();
var e = new Endb('http://localhost:3803/sql');
var e = new Endb('http://localhost:3803/sql', {accept: 'text/csv'});
var e = new Endb('http://localhost:3803/sql', {accept: 'application/json', username: 'zig', password: 'zag'});

NOTE: Choosing accept headers other than LD-JSON will return JavaScript data structures symmetrical with those returned from the respective accept header provided to the HTTP API. text/csv returns comma-delimited strings, application/json returns tuples as arrays, and so on.


Use the EndbWebSocket class to communicate with Endb over WebSockets. It accepts an optional url parameter. Options can be supplied for ws (any implementation of the JavaScript WebSocket interface definition), username, and password. In a web browser, ws will default to the web browser's WebSocket implementation. EndbWebSocket only communicates in LD-JSON, so the accept header cannot be set.

// in web browser:
var ews = new EndbWebSocket();
var ews = new EndbWebSocket('ws://localhost:3803/sql', {username: 'zig', password: 'zag'});

// in node.js:
import WebSocket from 'ws';
var ews = new EndbWebSocket({ws: WebSocket});
var ews = new EndbWebSocket('ws://localhost:3803/sql', {ws: WebSocket, username: 'zig', password: 'zag'});


The asynchronous sql method is available to both Endb and EndbWebSocket. It accepts q, and optional p, m, and accept parameters and returns an array of strongly-typed documents. (See JavaScript API Reference.)

To ignore the p or m parameters but still supply an accept header, supply the default values or null.

e.sql("SELECT * FROM users;");
e.sql("INSERT INTO USERS (date, name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", [new Date(), 'Aaron', '']);
e.sql("INSERT INTO USERS (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true);
e.sql("SELECT * FROM users;", [], false, 'text/csv');
e.sql("SELECT * FROM users;", null, null, 'application/json');
e.sql("INSERT INTO USERS (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true, 'text/csv');

Template Literals

It is possible to use Template Literals (string templating) to pass named SQL parameters. The parameter passed to the Template Literal is only valid when used in a position where a positional SQL parameter is also valid. The signature which accepts Template Literals does not accept any other parameters to the method.

var n = 'Michael';
e.sql`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (${n});`;

var u = {name: 'Radha', roles: ['artist', 'marketing']};
e.sql`INSERT INTO users ${u}`;

Data Types

When an LD-JSON (default) accept header is used, strongly typed data is returned according to this mapping:

  • null - null
  • xsd:date - Date
  • xsd:dateTime - Date
  • xsd:base64Binary - Uint8Array
  • xsd:integer - BigInt

For more information on Endb data types, see the Data Types doc.

Complete Examples

import { Endb } from '@endatabas/endb';

var e = new Endb();
await e.sql("INSERT INTO users {name: 'Thupil'};");
var result = await e.sql("SELECT * FROM users;");

var e2 = new Endb('http://localhost:3803/sql', {accept: 'application/json', username: 'zig', password: 'zag'});
await e.sql("INSERT INTO USERS (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true, 'text/csv');
result = await e.sql("SELECT * FROM users;", null, null, 'application/json');
import WebSocket from 'ws';
import { EndbWebSocket } from '@endatabas/endb';

var ews = new EndbWebSocket({ws: WebSocket});
await ews.sql("insert into users {name: 'Lydia'};");
var ws_result = await ews.sql("select * from users;");

var ews2 = new EndbWebSocket({ws: WebSocket, username: 'zig', password: 'zag'});
await ews2.sql("INSERT INTO USERS (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true, 'text/csv');
ws_result = await ews2.sql("SELECT * FROM users;", null, null, 'application/json');

JavaScript API Reference

NOTE: The following API documentation is generated from source code docstrings in the endb repository.



Endatabas client for the HTTP API


Endatabas client for the WebSocket API


Endatabas client for the HTTP API

Kind: global class

new Endb([url], [opt])

Create an Endb object (Endatabas client for the HTTP API)


HTTP URL to the Endatabas /sql API


HTTP options


Accept Header content type


username for HTTP Basic Auth


password for HTTP Basic Auth

endb.sql(q, [p], [m], [accept])Promise.<Array>

Execute a SQL statement over HTTP

Kind: instance method of Endb
Returns: Promise.<Array> - - Array of documents


SQL query as string or Template Literal

[p]Array | Object

Positional parameters, named parameters, or an array of either


many parameters flag


Accept Header content type


// Simple query
sql("SELECT * FROM users;");
// Positional parameters
sql("INSERT INTO users (date, name) VALUES (?, ?);", [new Date(), 'Aaron']);
// Named parameters
sql("INSERT INTO users {date: :d, name: :n};", {d: new Date(), n: 'Aaron'});
// Many positional parameters (batches)
sql("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true);
// Many named parameters (batches)
sql("INSERT INTO users {name: :n};", [{n: 'Judy'}, {n: 'Addis'}], true);
// All parameters (many parameters and accept header)
sql("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true, 'text/csv');
// Named parameters via Template Literals
sql(`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (${u});`, [{u: 'Michael'}]);


Endatabas client for the WebSocket API

Kind: global class

new EndbWebSocket([url], [opt])

Create an EndbWebSocket object (Endatabas client for the WebSocket API)


WebSocket URL to the Endatabas /sql API


WebSocket options


WebSocket implementation


username for Basic Auth


password for Basic Auth


Close the WebSocket connection

Kind: instance method of EndbWebSocket

endbWebSocket.sql(q, [p], [m])Promise.<Array>

Execute a SQL statement over a WebSocket with LD-JSON

Kind: instance method of EndbWebSocket
Returns: Promise.<Array> - - Array of documents


SQL query as string or Template Literal

[p]Array | Object

Positional parameters, named parameters, or an array of either


many parameters flag


// Simple query
sql("SELECT * FROM users;");
// Positional parameters
sql("INSERT INTO users (date, name) VALUES (?, ?);", [new Date(), 'Aaron']);
// Named parameters
sql("INSERT INTO users {date: :d, name: :n};", {d: new Date(), n: 'Aaron'});
// Many positional parameters (batches)
sql("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true);
// Many named parameters (batches)
sql("INSERT INTO users {name: :n};", [{n: 'Judy'}, {n: 'Addis'}], true);
// All parameters (many parameters and accept header)
sql("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);", [['Aaron'], ['Kurt'], ['Cindy']], true, 'text/csv');
// Named parameters via Template Literals
sql(`INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (${u});`, [{u: 'Michael'}]);