
Endb SQL strives to empower the query author. Basic SQL queries should be familiar. Advanced SQL queries should be simple.


The most common hand-written SQL query tends to be the easiest:

SELECT * FROM products;

Without a WHERE clause (discussed below) the entire table is returned. Because Endb is schemaless, * has a special meaning. Each document (row) in Endb carries with it its own schema. As a result, * refers to the widest possible set of columns, across all the rows returned.

In many SQL dialects, columns are strictly ordered. Because Endb columns cannot have a strict order, * returns them in alphabetical order.

You can select the widest set of columns for a specific table with <table>.*:

SELECT p.* FROM products p JOIN coupons c ON p.price = c.price;


In programmatic environments, it is almost always preferable to query for specific columns by name:

SELECT product_no, price FROM products;

Select a list of columns by delimiting them with commas.

SELECT product_no, v, price, name FROM products;

Select a column with spaces by delimiting it with backticks or square braces:

SELECT products['product no'] FROM products;
SELECT `product no` FROM products;

NOTE: Whether or not your Endb client respects column ordering is dependent on the content type it uses in Accept Headers. It is worth reading over the Accept Header documentation, in this regard.

Limit query results to distinct rows or expand to all rows with DISTINCT and ALL.

SELECT ALL product_no FROM products p JOIN sales s ON p.name = s.name;


Alias Tables

For convenience, tables can be given aliases immediately following their name in the FROM clause.

SELECT p.name FROM products p;

The AS operator can also (optionally) be used to provide an alias for a table.

SELECT p.name FROM products AS p;

More usefully, it can give a temporary table name to an expression. The temporary table name can either have anonymous columns or named columns. (The VALUES keyword is explained in the following VALUES Lists section.)

SELECT p.column1 FROM (VALUES ('Paprika', 4.77)) AS p;
SELECT p.price FROM (VALUES ('Paprika', 4.77)) AS p(name, price);

Alias Columns

The AS keyword is also used to alias columns. This is useful when column names conflict in a join. (Joins are explained below.) If the same column is specified more than once, the last reference to that column name is the one which will be returned:

SELECT c.price, p.price FROM products p JOIN coupons c ON p.name = c.name;

If both columns are required, AS can be used to rename one or both of the columns:

SELECT p.price AS regular_price, c.price FROM products p JOIN coupons c ON p.name = c.name;


Because Endb is schemaless, documents (rows) can be joined on any fields (columns) which have equivalent values. Joins are written in the form <table1> JOIN <table2> ON <table1>.<column1> <operator> <table2>.<column2>. Join operators are generally comparisons or booleans.

INSERT INTO coupons {name: 'Salt', price: 3.0};
SELECT * FROM products p JOIN coupons c ON p.name = c.name;


NOTE: Endb does not restrict name clashes in unqualified column selection or SELECT *. If two tables share the same column name, the results from the column of the second table in the join will be visible in the returned result, but not the results of the first.


When the columns to join share the same name between two tables, USING is a shorthand that permits joining on the equality of those two columns. A USING query also supports unambiguous use of the unqualified column name in the SELECT clause.

SELECT project_name, users.name, projects.budget FROM users JOIN projects USING (project_name);

WHERE (Filtering)

Rather than returning the entire table, documents (rows) can be filtered with a WHERE clause.

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price > 4;

Advanced Filtering

More advanced filters are documented in Operators and Functions.

ORDER BY (Sorting Results)

Results from queries can be ordered with standard SQL ORDER BY.

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price;

By default, ordering is ascending. For descending order, suffix the ORDER BY clause with DESC:

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price DESC;

To force ascending order, use ASC:

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price ASC;

It is also possible to order by an expression:

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY -price;

In the example above, LENGTH is an example of a function. A complete list of functions can be found in the Functions documentation.


GROUP BY accepts a list of columns and creates aggregated rows based on each of those columns, in order. Each aggregate is returned as a single row. Each column returned must either be a column specified in the GROUP BY clause or a column created with an aggregate function, such as SUM.

SELECT name, price FROM products GROUP BY name, price;
SELECT name, SUM(price) FROM products GROUP BY name;


HAVING adds a search condition to an aggregate query.

SELECT name, SUM(price) FROM products GROUP BY name HAVING LENGTH(name) > 4;

It is most often used with GROUP BY (seen above), but it is also legal with other aggregates:

SELECT SUM(products.price) FROM products HAVING SUM(products.price) = 13;


LIMIT specifies the maximum number of rows to be returned by the query.

SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 2;

It always makes sense to control the order of returned rows so LIMIT always returns the same rows for the same query -- unless you don't care which rows are returned.

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price ASC LIMIT 2;

OFFSET allows queries to skip rows before returning a limited set.



The VALUES keyword is used to create a static table of documents (rows). Each row is denoted by a pair of parentheses. All rows must have Union Compatibility which, for Endb, means they have the same number of columns.

VALUES (1, 'Salt'), (2, 'Pepper'), (3, 'Vinegar');

Endb assigns anonymous columns the names column1, column2, etc. Columns can instead be given names with a table alias:

SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 'Salt'), (2, 'Pepper'), (3, 'Vinegar')) AS t (product_no, name);


The OBJECTS keyword is used to create a static table comprised of object literals, each representing a document (row). Each row is directly denoted by an object literal. OBJECTS lists do not require Union Compatibility, so jagged lists are permitted.

OBJECTS {product_no: 1, name: 'Salt'}, {product_no: 2, name: 'Pepper', price: 3.99};
SELECT * FROM (OBJECTS {product_no: 1, name: 'Salt'}, {product_no: 2, name: 'Pepper'}) as t;


The set operations union, intersection, and difference are available to the results of two queries.


Append the results of one query to another. Duplicate rows are removed.

SELECT * FROM products UNION SELECT * FROM new_products;

To keep duplicate rows, use UNION ALL:

SELECT * FROM products UNION ALL SELECT * FROM new_products;


The intersection of two queries returns results which are found in both.

SELECT * FROM products INTERSECT SELECT * FROM new_products;


The difference of two queries returns only results from the first query which are not found in the second. Another way of thinking about this is that results of the second query are removed from the first.

SELECT * FROM products EXCEPT SELECT * FROM ignored_products;


"Union Compatibility" refers to the ability of two queries to be used in a union, intersection, or difference. Because Endb is dynamically-typed, the only constraint on union compatibility is the number of columns returned.

In general, it only makes sense to use set operations on two queries which return either: (1) explicit columns, so order and naming are respected or (2) columns with the same names, so they are guaranteed to return in order, in the case of * queries. When applying set operations to * queries, keep in mind that the widest column set (across the entire history of the table) will be returned.

If the queries return a different number of columns, set operations will result in an error:

-> SELECT * FROM products UNION SELECT * FROM new_products;
400 Bad Request
Number of UNION left columns: 3 does not match right columns: 2

WITH (Common Table Expressions)

The WITH keyword is used to create Common Table Expressions, or CTEs. CTEs act like temporary tables or views within the context of a query or DML statement. CTEs are used in place of a sub-select to simplify the appearance of a query. WITH clauses take the form WITH <cte-name> AS (<cte-select>).

WITH top_margin_products AS (SELECT product_no FROM products WHERE (price - cost) > 5.00)
SELECT name FROM products
WHERE product_no IN (SELECT product_no FROM top_margin_products);


The RECURSIVE keyword can be added to WITH to create recursive CTEs which can refer to themselves. Recursive CTEs will always have the form <initial-select> UNION <recursive-select> or <initial-select> UNION ALL <recursive-select>.

Here is a naive example, demonstrating the recursive construction of a Fibonacci Sequence:

WITH RECURSIVE fib(previous, current) AS (
  VALUES (0, 1)
  SELECT fib.current, fib.previous + fib.current
  FROM fib
  WHERE fib.previous + fib.current < 5000

The most beneficial uses for WITH RECURSIVE are walking hierarchical and graph-shaped data sets -- capabilities ordinary SQL lacks. However, Endb recursive queries are also capable of solving Sudoku puzzles and constructing fractals, as seen in the test suite. (Credit goes to SQLite's delightful Outlandish Recursive Query Examples.)


Lateral queries permit access to named values from the FROM clause in the SELECT clause. The LATERAL keyword is optional in Endb as all queries are lateral queries by default.

SELECT halved FROM products, LATERAL (SELECT price / 2.0 AS halved) h;
SELECT halved FROM products, (SELECT price / 2.0 AS halved) h;


Repeatable reads are achieved in Endb by creating savepoints, which queries can return to later. When returning to a savepoint in the future, queries will return results according to the state of the database when the savepoint was captured.

By default, savepoints have a 60-second lifespan, after which they expire. Use of a savepoint during its lifespan will renew its lease, allowing it to be used for another 60 seconds. Savepoints can be forcibly expired with RELEASE. Attempting to use a savepoint that has been expired or released will return No active savepoint: <savepoint>.

NOTE: Repeatable reads are only available to the HTTP API.

Minimal Example

Other SQL dialects have more transaction-specific semantics for SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK, and RELEASE. Because this difference in behaviour may be confusing to users familiar with other databases, we provide the example below. The result of the final query returns the first two dungeons, which were inserted prior to the savepoint, but not "Tower of Hera".

INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Eastern Palace'};
INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Desert Palace'};
SAVEPOINT desert_palace;
INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Tower of Hera'};
ROLLBACK TO desert_palace; SELECT * FROM dungeons;

NOTE: The ROLLBACK and SELECT above must be executed together, in the same stateless "transaction". (Normally this will mean executing both statements in a single HTTP request.)


The SAVEPOINT operator captures a new savepoint at the time it executes. Savepoints can be named or anonymous. Anonymous savepoints are named with a UUID. The name of the savepoint is returned as an attribute named result.

SAVEPOINT desert_palace;
-- [{'result': 'desert_palace'}]
-- [{'result': '0b12de43-1c92-4d92-ab7c-51c5a5129074'}]


Inside the scope of a stateless "transaction" (normally a single HTTP request), ROLLBACK is used to return to a savepoint. ROLLBACK TO <savepoint> returns to a named savepoint (by name) or an anonymous savepoint (by string UUID). Queries executed inside such a transaction return results according to the state of the database when the savepoint was created. The use of ROLLBACK renews the lease of the associated savepoint.

ROLLBACK TO desert_palace; SELECT * FROM dungeons;
ROLLBACK TO 'eab07765-de6f-4f74-8052-838dd29ee8e7'; SELECT * FROM dungeons;


The RELEASE keyword expires a savepoint so it can no longer be used. Anonymous savepoints can be released by string UUID.

RELEASE desert_palace;
RELEASE 'f7c314dd-47b9-4c85-9502-b8e35c82b935';


Standard SQL keywords are used to begin, commit, and rollback explicit transactions.

NOTE: Explicit transactions are only available to the WebSocket API.

Minimal Example

This minimal example assumes a connection via the WebSocket API.

INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Dark Palace'};
INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Swamp Palace'};
INSERT INTO dungeons {name: 'Skull Woods'};
SELECT * FROM dungeons;


The BEGIN keyword starts a new transaction.



The COMMIT keyword commits the open transaction to disk. END is a synonym for COMMIT.



The ROLLBACK keyword throws away any uncommitted changes since the transaction began.


NOTE: The ROLLBACK keyword should not be confused with the ROLLBACK keyword for savepoints. Both can be called without mentioning a savepoint or transaction, but their behaviour differs based on whether the client is in an explicit transaction or not.