Data Manipulation

Creating, updating, and deleting data in Endb is done using standard SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML). Endb is also immutable and schemaless, so it contains a number of shorthands and document-oriented conveniences.

Endb does not require any Data Definition Language (DDL), such as CREATE TABLE.


To create a new document, you can use the standard SQL INSERT command.

INSERT INTO products (product_no, name, price) VALUES (1, 'Tofu', 7.99);

To create multiple new documents at once, delimit their value lists with commas:

INSERT INTO products (product_no, name, price) VALUES (1, 'Butter', 5.99), (2, 'Margarine', 4.99);

It is also possible to insert a document directly using an OBJECT literal.

INSERT INTO products {product_no: 3, name: 'Tea', price: 3.99};

To insert multiple documents directly, delimit documents with commas:

INSERT INTO products {name: 'Coffee', price: 3.99}, {name: 'Croissant', price: 2.99};

It is possible to insert the results of a query:

INSERT INTO cheap_products SELECT * FROM products WHERE price < 4.00;


To update an existing row, you can use the standard SQL UPDATE command:

UPDATE products SET price = 4.99 WHERE name = 'Coffee';

Set multiple columns by separating them with commads;

UPDATE products SET price = 4.99, name = 'Kaapi' WHERE name = 'Coffee';

Because Endb is schemaless, each document (or row) has its own schema. As a result, you may want to remove a column from an individual row. You can do this with the UNSET operator:

UPDATE products UNSET product_no WHERE name = 'Coffee'; UPDATE products REMOVE product_no WHERE name = 'Coffee';

REMOVE is an alias for UNSET.

It is possible to set and unset values in a single update. Unsetting a column which doesn't exist is not an error:

UPDATE products SET price = 5.98 UNSET product_no WHERE name = 'Coffee';


Endb provides a PATCH operator, similar to the PATCH function. The PATCH operator is used in conjunction with UPDATE to set fields on a document (columns on a row) in a declarative fashion.

UPDATE products PATCH {price: 1.98, product_no: products.product_no + 1000} WHERE price = 2.00;

PATCH is based on RFC 7386: JSON Merge Patch.


The SET operator permits paths on its left-hand side. The behaviour of the form UPDATE <table> SET <path> = <value> is identical to that of the path_set function.

UPDATE users SET $.addresses[0].city = 'Chicago' WHERE name = 'Steven';


The UNSET (synonym: REMOVE) operator permits paths on its left-hand side. The behaviour of the form UPDATE <table> UNSET <path> = <value> is identical to that of the path_remove function.

UPDATE users UNSET $.addresses[0].city WHERE name = 'Steven';


To delete an existing row, use the standard SQL DELETE command.

DELETE FROM products WHERE price = 5.98;

You may delete all rows from a table by eliding the WHERE clause:

DELETE FROM products;

Note: In Endb, DELETE does not remove any data. It is always possible to view data prior to the DELETE with time queries. If you need to remove data for compliance (with laws such as GDPR or PIPEDA), use ERASE.


Endb provides flexible upserts with the common ON CONFLICT clause. When the INSERT command detects a conflict, it will perform the instructions in the DO clause. The following command needs to be executed twice to see the upsert effect.

INSERT INTO products {name: 'Pepper', price: 9.99} ON CONFLICT (name, price) DO UPDATE SET v = 2;

To specify no operation on conflict, use DO NOTHING:

INSERT INTO products {name: 'Pepper', price: 9.99} ON CONFLICT (name, price) DO NOTHING;

To reference the document currently being inserted, the DO clause provides a statement-local relation named excluded.

INSERT INTO products {name: 'Salt', price: 6}; INSERT INTO products {name: 'Salt', price: 7} ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET price = excluded.price;

Similarly, the existing table is still available in the DO clause to provide further filtering:

INSERT INTO products {product_no: 99, name: 'Cumin', price: 3.00, v: 5}; INSERT INTO products {product_no: 99, name: 'Cumin', price: 5.00, v: 6} ON CONFLICT (product_no, name) DO UPDATE SET price = excluded.price, v = excluded.v WHERE products.v < 6;


ERASE completely removes documents (rows) from visibility to any queries. Once a document has been erased, it is no longer possible to query for it at all.

ERASE FROM products WHERE name = 'Salt';

WITH (Common Table Expressions)

The WITH keyword can create Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for DML, just as it can for queries.

WITH top_margin_products AS (SELECT product_no, name FROM products WHERE (price - cost) > 5.00) INSERT INTO banner_products SELECT product_no, name FROM top_margin_products;


Parameters to DML are documented under the HTTP API.


Transactions in Endb are implicit. Run multiple DML statements in a single transaction by providing multiple statements (delimited by semicolons) to a single POST to the HTTP API.