
The endb executable aims to provide self-explanatory help for direct usage of the binary.

See Monitoring for more information about logging, metrics, and tracing.

$ endb --help Usage: endb [OPTIONS] Options: -d, --data-directory <DATA_DIRECTORY> [env: ENDB_DATA_DIRECTORY=] [default: endb_data] -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version Authentication: --username <USERNAME> [env: ENDB_USERNAME=] --password <PASSWORD> [env: ENDB_PASSWORD=] Network: -p, --port <PORT> [env: ENDB_PORT=] [default: 3803] --bind-address <BIND_ADDRESS> [env: ENDB_BIND_ADDRESS=] [default:] --protocol <PROTOCOL> [env: ENDB_PROTOCOL=] [default: http] [possible values: http, https] --cert-file <CERT_FILE> [env: ENDB_CERT_FILE=] --key-file <KEY_FILE> [env: ENDB_KEY_FILE=]

The -d option accepts a special value of :memory: to run an in-memory node, without persisting anything to disk.

The --cert-file and --key-file options are ignored when --protocol is set to http. When --protocol is set to https, they are both required.

Backup and Restore

If you would like to back up your Endb data, you can use any commodity copy or sync tool (such as rsync) to maintain a copy of your --data-directory (ENDB_DATA_DIRECTORY).

To restore that directory, stop Endb, replace or sync that directory where Endb is running, and restart Endb.

In the future, a backup option will be provided for an object store separated from compute.