WebSocket API
If a client is
not available for your programming language yet, your app can interact
directly with the Endb WebSocket API.
Any WebSocket client can be used but in the examples below we'll use
to demonstrate
the API without writing any code.
Connect to Endb with:
websocat ws://localhost:3803/sql
You can send SQL statements to endb
with JSON-RPC 2.0.
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?);", "p": [["Tsehay"], ["Iniku"]], "m": true}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 2, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "SELECT * FROM users;", "p": [], "m": false}}
NOTE: To send the method calls above, paste them into a websocat
session one-at-a-time and press <enter>
Further examples will assume JSON-RPC strings are sent in an existing
JSON-RPC Request Object
Following the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec, a SQL statement or query to the Endb WebSocket API requires these components:
- a string or integer identifier used to correlate requests to responsesmethod
- always the string"sql"
- request params are sent as JSON-RPC by-name request parameters, as listed below
JSON-RPC Request Parameters
- (q)uery: a SQL query, optionally parameterizedp
- (p)arameters: named or positional SQL parametersm
- (m)any parameter lists: bulk parameters, used for bulk insert/update
JSON-RPC Response Object
A response from the Endb WebSocket API will include these components:
- the id provided in the request object, so it can be correlatedresult
- the response, encoded as JSON-LD, as in this example:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":111, "result":{"@context":{"xsd":"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#","@vocab":"http://endb.io/"},"@graph":[{"name":"Hing","price":2.99}]}}
If your query is invalid or causes an internal error, you will receive an error instead, which includes:
- the id of the request object, if one was provided (otherwisenull
- a code and message, as returned by Endb
{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":222, "error":{"code":-32603,"message":"Error: Unknown table: users\n ╭─[<unknown>:1:15]\n │\n 1 │ SELECT * FROM users;\n │ ──┬── \n │ ╰──── Unknown table\n───╯\n"}}
WebSocket Basic Authentication
Endb supports HTTP Basic Authentication, as defined by RFC 7235, on top of RFC 6455. This is because the WebSocket Protocol RFC (6455) does not define authentication mechanisms itself.
Pass --username
and --password
arguments to the endb
binary to force
basic authentication for HTTP connections.
(See Operation for more details, including environment variables
which can be passed to Docker images.)
./target/endb --username zig --password zag
Then, use Basic Auth headers to connect to Endb:
websocat -H='Authorization: Basic' ws://zig:zag@localhost:3803/sql
Rather than Authorization: Basic
, the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
may be used.
It is offered because web browsers do not support the Basic Auth
header over WebSockets.
SQL parameters to a WebSocket request are always JSON-LD.
A JSON-LD scalar always has the form: {"@type": "xsd:TYPE", "@value": "DATA"}
JSON-LD types are listed under the Data Types table.
For example, if a strongly-typed DateTime is required, it can be submitted like so:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 11, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO users (name, date) VALUES (?, ?);", "p": ["dosha", {"@value": "2024-01-29T18:18:30.129159", "@type": "xsd:dateTime"}], "m": false}}
Named Parameters
Named SQL parameters substitute parameter placeholders with the form :param
by the parameter key with the corresponding name.
Named parameters are represented as a JSON object.
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 111, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO products {name: :name, price: :price};", "p": {"name": "Hing", "price": 2.99}, "m": false}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 112, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO events {start: :start};", "p": {"start": {"@type": "xsd:dateTime", "@value": "2021-04-09T20:00:00Z"}}, "m": false}}
Positional Parameters
Positional SQL parameters substitute parameter placeholders with the form ?
by the parameter values, in the order they appear.
Positional parameters are respresented as a JSON array.
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 211, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = ? AND price > ?;", "p": ["Hing", 2.00], "m": false}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 213, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO events {start: ?};", "p": [{"@type": "xsd:dateTime", "@value": "2021-04-09T20:00:00Z"}], "m": false}}
Bulk Parameters
Bulk operations are possible by setting the m
flag to true
Bulk operations are available to both named and positional parameters.
The list of parameters supplied in bulk must be nested in an array.
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 311, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO users {name: :name};", "p": [{"name": "Sungwon"}, {"name": "Olga"}], "m": true}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 312, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO sauces {name: ?, color: ?};", "p": [["Sriracha", "#FE6F5E"], ["Gochujang", "#FF8066"]], "m": true}}
Unlike the HTTP API, the WebSocket API is stateful and thus capable of explicit transactions. See the Transactions documentation for further details on SQL syntax.
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 411, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "BEGIN TRANSACTION;", "p": [], "m": false}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 412, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "INSERT INTO delete_me {name: 'Roll Me Back'};", "p": [], "m": false}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 413, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "ROLLBACK;", "p": [], "m": false}}
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 414, "method": "sql", "params": {"q": "SELECT * FROM delete_me;", "p": [], "m": false}}