
A small console is provided to learn Endb SQL interactively and run experimental queries. It is distributed in the same Python package as the Python client.


pip install endb


endb_console [--url URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]

Show additional command line options with endb_console --help:

usage: endb_console [-h] [--url URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [sql ...]

positional arguments:
  sql                   SQL statement or file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD


When the Endb console starts, it will provide a multiline prompt (->) where you can enter SQL statements and queries. The prompt will extend onto new lines (..) until you enter a semicolon.

-> INSERT INTO users
.. {name: 'Conrad', email: ''};
-> SELECT * FROM users;

The console has history which you can use the up and down arrows to navigate. History does not persist between console sessions.

Learn more about Endb SQL in the SQL Reference.

To quit, type CTRL+D.


The console comes with a number of special, non-SQL commands.


Set the URL at runtime with the url command.

-> url


Set the accept header content type at runtime with the accept command.

-> accept text/csv


Set the username at runtime with the username command.

-> username efcodd


Set the password at runtime with the password command.

-> password equ1valenc3


All SQL commands can be timed by toggling the timer on: timer on. Toggle the timer back off with timer off.

-> timer on
-> SELECT * FROM users;
[{'name': 'Aaron'}
 {'name': 'Irene'}
 ... ]
Elapsed: 0.003904 ms

Data Types

The console communicates with Endb over the HTTP API. Data is returned as LD-JSON documents and marshalled into strongly-typed Python objects. For example:

[{'date': None, 'email': '', 'name': 'Conrad'},
 {'date': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 29, 18, 18, 30, 129159, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
  'email': '',
  'name': 'Akshay'}]

The Data Types page talks about types in more detail.